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Local (Static) Listener Configuration

There are occasions, in which when a Database gets shut down, the default listener automatically unregisters the Databases from it. In Oracle 12.2. an on, when a shutdown is issued (on Container level), the Database closes all of the Pluggable Databases and then shuts down the Container Database. This process (in the case of the default listener) unregisters both the Container Database and all of the Pluggable Databases in it from the listener and thus is making them inaccessible. This is problematic, as this essentially “cuts” the SQLNET link to the Database (unless you have a ssh access to the machine), in case someone wants to administer it through it. This problem is solved by configuring a local listener with some static entries in it for the corresponding Databases (Container or Pluggable) to remain “open” to SQLNET connections.

In order to configure a local/static listener, the following steps are necessary:

  1. Stop the currently running listener
  2. Create a listener.ora file (and place it under $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin)
  3. Set the Database parameter local_listener on Container and Pluggable Database level
  4. Restart the listener

Stop the currently running listener

lsnrctl stop

Create the listener.ora file

$ vi $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora

# Note: The listener is called LISETNER, which replaced the default listener by the same name
#       This is done, so that you do not have to specify a listener name when starting, stopping or reloading it

#Might not be needed, because of the EM
SUBSCRIBE_FOR_NODE_DOWN_EVENT_LISTENER=off ## Do not unregister the Database on shutdown

Set the local_listener parameter

$ sqlplus / as sysdba
--This is on Container level
SQL> alter system set local_listener = '(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<<host_ip_address_or_name>>)(PORT=<<host_port_number>>))';
SQL> alter session set container = <<database_name>>;
--This is on Pluggable Database level; do this for all the Pluggable Databases that are to be registered with this listener
SQL> alter system set local_listener='(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<<host_ip_address_or_name>>)(PORT=<<host_port_number>>))';

Start the LISTENER again

$ lsnrctl start